The history of the Library of Parliament

In 1872, the Estates of Finland established a library and an archive to manage its documentation. Following the establishment of the unicameral parliament of Finland in 1907, the library and archives of the Diet were renamed the Library of Parliament. The remit of the new library was to acquire and store documents and other written material required for legislative work. Since 1913, the Library of Parliament services have been open to everyone.

Library of Parliament – 100 years of openness-video

​On this video released in 2013 to mark the Library’s 100th anniversary year, Sari Pajula, Director of the Library of Parliament, Chief Information Specialists Päivikki Karhula and Timo Turja and Information Specialist Päivi Erkkilä talk about the Library of Parliament and its colourful history. The video is provided with English subtitles. Video on Library Channel (Kirjastokaista) site.

Read more about the timeline of the library.

The Board of the Library of Parliament consisted of five Members of Parliament, one of whom acts as chairman and one as vice-chairman, three experts outside Parliament and one person from the library's staff.

Read more about the timeline of the library.

When the predecessor of the current library was first established in 1872, it employed just one person. In 1998, the Library of Parliament employed 58 staff.